Sunday, September 28, 2008

school of love

I forgot which email and password I used for the other one(, so this is numero dos.

I've noticed lately that whilst talking to guys around these parts, they need not be named because there are many, that if they have a girlfriend, they insist on inserting that word in every answer they give.
conversations ensue as follows: me-"so why did you bring two pairs of sheets?"
guy-"my GIRLfriend let me borrow them."
me-"oh. sooo....what music do you like?"
guy-"my GIRLfriend and I listen to the same stuff."
me-"so what band?"
guy-"I have a girlfriend."
And repeat last conversation for the majority of small talk. I am in no way on a prowl for anyone. I'm just getting my education. So chill.

Other than that, I am LOVING it here. SEATTLE SEATTLE I LOVE SEATTLE.

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