Thursday, April 8, 2010

Every time it's sunny, there's clouds on the horizon.

The word makes some people shudder. some people lactate. Others, like my mom, ask for a definition.
Not sure how I feel, but they annoy me on facebook. Most notably when they go and find hipster hip stomping grounds to nonchalantly pose, act like they don't care, then race home to edit the contrast so it looks circa 1970's.
These hip places include, but are not limited to:
-old buildings
-trains, train tracks, train tunnels, you name it, a hipster has had a beard there
-city walls
-peculiar dive bars with other pissed off looking people in the background
-flat cap store. only kidding. but they'll be wearing a flat cap.
-the woods. ironically.
-ironic places ie, great grandma's birthday, the beach, Westmont.

You get the point.


Anonymous said...

They also love fields. Corn, wheat, pertayter, dead fields that used to have pertayter in 'em, and pumpkin patches.

Anonymous said...

I just read your blog and then hit up the internet from everything from Urban Dictionary to

to discover more about these ironic people. So different