Friday, December 26, 2008

moderator moderator oh how hot is in here

I feel like a giant beef brisket.
It may or may not be related to the fact that I just stuffed myself full to the brim of it at a family friend's house.

Something I figured I'm a total hypocrite on is the fact that I hate cats. When I say I hate cats, I really do; however, any time I see one I HAVE to pet it.
No matter it has fleas
No matter it has mange
No matter it just crapped on my bed.
My cat radar just zones in, and I try to snuggle. Actually, this is with most furry things and/or living things that are larger than I am.

Since it's been break, I've been youtubing a lot of 90's hit television shows like Keenan and Kel, Salute Your Shorts, Hey Dude, etc. If you haven't already, don't do it. It's disappointing. I remember in them being fantastically well made, but they aren't.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Breakfast of champions," she said.

Isn't it funny how:
my hair becomes the most interesting thing in the world when I have a ton of stuff to do
you can lose touch with people so fast, but some friendships never change
Rachelle can say so many obscene things without knowing it
cats walk funny with socks on
people can become famous by a video on youtube
two people can hold each other so tight
certain humor is not universal
waterparks are the best place to find terrible tattoos.
good art cannot be defined
girls have weaves

A form of entertainment I enjoy is to sit on/around/about/through/upon a city bus and just listen.

I wish I could have met Kurt Vonnegut. With every book I read by him, he becomes more and more amazing with such great subtle humor.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


No Shave November should be considered a national holiday. Everyone should be able to take the entire month off in order to grow hair.
And if you didn't participate, something terrible would happen, and you would be accused of being non patriotic.
My roommates and I are celebrating.

I'll clarify legs only. Armpits would be gross.

Monday, November 3, 2008


I logged on to Facebook and saw this:



I don't know which side he's bashing. Because if people like this are voting for Obama, well, I don't even have to say it.
In this election, neither side is my choice. Where's Ross Perot?
God help America.

Club Mustard

I not only have A cowlick, my entire head is one big cowlick. My hair refuses to do anything other than the combover-look-a-like/side mop.

This weekend, some friends and I started a tecktonik dancing club. It probably will amount to nothing besides some slightly awkward dance parties downstairs for a few minutes, but it was fun while it lasted. If you're not sure what this style of dancing looks like, I urge you to look it up. Extensively. Then write a research paper on it. And tattoo it on yourself. That's how fun it is. When we were over at the boy's house, at various intervals of the night, I would shout at Teri across the room, "TECKTONIK!"
Then we'd start frantically flailing about to an R&B club remix.

Earlier last month, I was reading one morning, and came across Psalm 49:14 the second half. Specifically "their forms will decay in the grave, far from their princely mansions."
I had to stop and read over it a couple times.

Our (Rachelle and I) new favorite thing is to go to all the used book stores we can find. I bought Breakfast of Champions for 4 dollars which is a steal because his books are hard to come across.

I was talking to my grandma last night about my coming for Thanksgiving, and she said, "You'll have to meet the new dog. She reminds me a lot of you. She doesn't like people, and she's kind of weird looking."
She didn't say this all at once, this is the information gathering sentence.
I guess I'll have to meet the dog.

Monday, October 27, 2008

3:10 to Yuma

David just said I was inconsistent in my choice of shorts.

David-"Those are really big shorts you're wearing. They're huge. Last night you were wearing short shorts, and now you're wearing capris."
Me-"Are my shorts really too huge?"
David-"They're fine, you're lounging, it's not like you're trying to wear a dress."

Well, whatever, they aren't mine.

Maybe I should step it up a notch in order to increase my chances against all odds with the 3 to 1 ratio and all. Nah.

Friday, October 24, 2008


I'm finishing the previous post. kind of. regard this as new.

I'm surprised at how many people strike me as asexual. Not bi, not homo, not even hetero, just....nothing. Like soon they're going to start shaking and just binary fission into two more people. Two more people that I can't figure out because they aren't attracted to anything. Maybe it's because my emotional IQ is low, maybe it's because I just cannot read people, but this is happening.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

punkin love.

I just carved a pumpkin for the first time.
It turned out alright.

I also made some new friends that play Settlers. I love Settlers.

I'm going to have to finish this later

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tender is the Night

My dog has a heart shaped butt.
I wonder if I have a heart shaped butt.
If someone told me I had a heart shaped butt, I'm not sure if I would take it as a compliment.

I found out there is an obscene bakery around here.
And business is booming. I'm not sure how such a specific business can make it in this world when an honest bikeshop or shoe store cannot.
I'm going to the going to Goodwill today.
David and Katie are putting lotion on right now.
David is moisturizing his beard.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Come On Skinny Love Just Last the Year

I've come to the realization that cold weather is one thing I know will make me happy.
I love walking back the 5 blocks from school, I love the changing leaves, I love wearing warm clothes and I love just thinking. Cold stirs everything inside of me, and I love it. I feel more intelligent. Even if it's pseudo intelligence, it still makes me feel better.
When I walked back today, my train of thought went about as follows: wow, I'm glad I know this place better, she has nice boots, I wonder how Banksy blew up those dolls at Disneyland, and then it all resumed to a low hummm of serenity. I don't remember any other thoughts, just that the walk seemed to be 2 seconds.

Since the PA has been gone, everyone has come knocking on our door for toilet paper. Do I look like I have TP in bulk? I hope not. I should have given them one tissue each and said, "Now don't spend it all in one place."

Monday, October 6, 2008

Black Hole Sun Won't You Come

It smells like bleach. I'm in our study, and I feel dignified.
5 papers have popped into my week schedule, yet I'm still excited.

I'm going to get some art supplies soon.
I think maybe it's the rain, or maybe my shorts are too tight, but I feel about ready to burst at the thought of nothing. It's a good anxiousness.

Life is surreal.
Maybe one day, when I die, I'll wake up and go, "Ohhhh, that's why that was like that and stuff." But for now, I'm enjoying this oblivion.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm Not Sure What I Was Expecting

It's almost 2 in the morning.

People will continue to surprise me.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Night Rolls On

I've noticed a strange thing that hasn't happened to me in a while. A long while, possibly since living in Mammoth. When I'm talking to people, I've been laughing so much that my lips get stuck on my teeth. I feel like my dog when he gets his lip stuck on his canines and cocks his head, looking a complete idiot.

Enough of that. It's Friday, and there's a giant weekend to be had. It's raining.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

school of love

I forgot which email and password I used for the other one(, so this is numero dos.

I've noticed lately that whilst talking to guys around these parts, they need not be named because there are many, that if they have a girlfriend, they insist on inserting that word in every answer they give.
conversations ensue as follows: me-"so why did you bring two pairs of sheets?"
guy-"my GIRLfriend let me borrow them."
me-"oh. sooo....what music do you like?"
guy-"my GIRLfriend and I listen to the same stuff."
me-"so what band?"
guy-"I have a girlfriend."
And repeat last conversation for the majority of small talk. I am in no way on a prowl for anyone. I'm just getting my education. So chill.

Other than that, I am LOVING it here. SEATTLE SEATTLE I LOVE SEATTLE.