Friday, October 24, 2008


I'm finishing the previous post. kind of. regard this as new.

I'm surprised at how many people strike me as asexual. Not bi, not homo, not even hetero, just....nothing. Like soon they're going to start shaking and just binary fission into two more people. Two more people that I can't figure out because they aren't attracted to anything. Maybe it's because my emotional IQ is low, maybe it's because I just cannot read people, but this is happening.


Joshua said...

this guy leaving a comment on your blog? yea... he's perplexed.

i feel like i should know what(maybe what'ish') you're talking about, but i'm not really sure.

you don't think i'm asexual and have sex with myself do you?

O.O oh! it's david huh? poor kid. :-(

Conservative Minority said...

People have called me sir at safeway...and I was wearing eye makeup.

That bothers me :p